About Our Daycare:

The benefits of Daycare are endless for both pets and owners. At the Ranch, our focus is to help our guests improve social abilities, provide an active outlet for all levels of energy, and to create well adjusted pups through positive interaction with our care team.  Not all dogs are comfortable in a "dog park" style social setting where large numbers are grouped together. We take the time to assess each dog's social ability, in order to place them in an environment where they will flourish and grow!  Having twenty-one exercise areas allows our team to create smaller groups with similar play styles to avoid overwhelming our daycare guests.  Every pet is different, and the approach to their care should reflect that!  We want both you and your pet to be excited for every visit.

Our daycare service operates 7 days a week with both half / full day options available at an affordable price.  For even better value, we offer a variety of multi-day passes for our more frequent guests and with our Bark + Ride Service, fitting doggie daycare into your schedule has never been easier!  

Please be sure to click checklist below for daycare + vaccination requirements!



Our daycare crew have access to the same exercise spaces and activities as our overnight guests.  Swimming, tennis, walks, and pamper packs can be added to any Daycare visit.  Each dog is given their own indoor space for eating and rest. Socialization is again based on age, size, and temperament ensuring that all guests are exercised appropriately. We can also exercise pups on their own, if required. Our Bark + Ride Service makes things even easier providing transportation to and from our facility. 

*We require at least 24 hours notice for all daycare / Bark + Ride cancellations. Cancellations without adequate notice will be applied to your account.

Hours of Operation:

Monday - Friday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

Saturday / Sunday 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

Holiday Hours 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm


FULL DAY (Over 4 hours)

$32 (Single Dog) 

$49 (Double Dog)

$67 (Three Dog)

HALF DAY (4 Hours Or Less)

$22 (Single Dog)

$33 (Double Dog)

$46 (Three Dog)


10 Day Pass (Single Dog) $299

10 Day Pass (Double Dog) $410

20 Day Pass (Single Dog) $510

20 Day Pass (Double Dog) $710

BARK + RIDE / DAYCARE PACKAGES (Bark+Ride packs include daily transportation to and from The Ranch)

B+R 10 Pack (Single Dog) $440

B+R 10 Pack (Double Dog) $510

B+R 20 Pack (Single Dog) $760

B+R 20 Pack (Double Dog) $879